Apple iPhone 4 video and photo camera test

iPhone 4 CameraThese days a happy owner of the new iPhone has published some pictures and a short video that shows the qualities of smartphone Apple camera.

Of the four pictures and video of 10 seconds, I was totally convinced that Apple even managed to implement a perfect camera for the new iPhone 4.

Thanks Swenak, the author of these media files.

The new iPhone have HD video Recording 720p and 5 megapixel camere with LED flash.

Below you can see and the information provided by Apple in terms of camera phone.

Image and video from Swenak

iPhone 4 Camera Test

iPhone 4 Camera Test

iPhone 4 Camera Test

iPhone 4 Camera Test

iPhone 4 Camera Test


Images from Apple

iPhone 4 Camera Test

iPhone 4 Camera Test

iPhone 4 Camera Test

iPhone 4 Camera Test

iPhone 4 Camera Test

iPhone 4 Camera Test