Samsung Fascinate and Continuum to receive Android 2.2 very soon

Some good news appeared for Samsung Fascinate and Continuum owners. Verizon will  very soon release a new software update for both of these smartphones, but not so sure it’s the Android 2.2 you have all expected. It might probably be a maintenance release in order to allow Fascinate and Continuum owners to use samsungs kies to download 2.2 when it […]

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Leak: Android 2.2 update for Samsung Galaxy S

Samsung has just released today the Android 2.2 source code for the Galaxy S, and we have a leaked letter that confirms it. This update is not available for the moment for the carrier branded Galaxy S like Sprint Epic 4G, T-Mobile Vibrant, Verizon Fascinate and AT&T Captivate. So if you have one of these carrier branded devices you’ll have […]

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