Gmail App released for iOS, removed after a few hours

Google has finally released the so long waited Gmail App for iOS devices, and brings quite some nice features from which we can mention the push notifications and the ability to search your inbox.
The new app will combine three of the most wanted and needed features, regarding speed, efficiency and touch, that will help you get more productive on the go. The iOS Gmail App that will work with the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch will take full advantage of the touchscreen and notification capabilities of your device.
Unfortunately the app had to deal with some bugs, which broke the notification system and created some error messages when the app was open. Google has already retrieved the app and tries to correct the problem as soon as possible. So, it’s good to know that Google isn’t thinking just about its Android OS and wants to share some of its very useful apps to iOS users, but this time it was kind of mess. They were several users that reported multiple errors, and thought the app was just a wrapper around Google’s Gmail web UI for iOS devices.
What was the problem? It was rushed! That’s all. It’s obvious that they didn’t give to much attention or ensured that the app works well. Hope the final release of Gmail App for iOS wood be a success.
Via Google