Top 20 best selling phones of all time

nokia 1110

Number 20: A rare foray into the clamshell market, Nokia’s 2650, launched in 2004, sold 35 million units. Number 19: Apple’s iPhone 3GS, launched in 2009, sold over 35 million units. Number 18 and 17: Samsung’s Galaxy S II (left) and III, launched in 2011 and 2012, each sold an estimated 40 million units. Number 16: Nokia 6230 from 2004 […]

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Opera Mini 5.1, increase the browsing experience on phones with limited memory

Today, Opera introduces Opera Mini 5.1, an update to the popular Opera Mini 5, specialy for mobile phones with limited memory. Opera recommend the new version for users with Symbian S40 because these mobile phones have limited memory, such as the popular Nokia 5130 XpressMusic, Nokia 6300 and Nokia 2700 handsets. This upgrade will also benefit phones with a small […]

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