Android 2.1 update for Dell Streak

dell streak android 2.1 update Dell Streak is one of the best devices of these days but comes with a little drawback, the OS. Dell Streak currently runs Android 1.6 version but it will sure be upgraded this year to Froyo.

But if you don’t want to wait until then, here comes the good news. A leaked version of Android 2.1 for Dell Streak is now available and ready for you to install it, and it seems that is working great.

So grab your Dell Streak device and follow carefully the next steps because in a few minutes your device is gonna receive the Eclair version.

First thing you have to to is to download Android 2.1 for Dell Streak and name it “Update.pkg”, then using a USB cable connect the device with your PC and copy “Update.pkg” into the root of the microSD card.

The next thing you have to do is to  power off the phone,  hold down the “Volume Up” and power up the device. Now choose the second option in the menu and wait until the process is complete and the device will restart. Enjoy !