iPhone 5c is not a great failure in sales
iPhone 5c is regarded by everyone as a great failure of Apple, but reality contradicts the opinions of analysts and ordinary users, because in the U.S. the new device sold better than top Android, BlackBerry or Windows Phone smartphones. As you can see from the chart above, in September iPhone 5c has sold even better than the Samsung Galaxy S4 two major U.S. operators, the remaining high-end smartphones are not mentioned in the top three.
Although in October and November Samsung Galaxy S4 sales exceeded 5c iPhone sales for some operators, the rest smartphone Android, Blackberry or Windows Phone competitors have not been able to attract more attention than him. Despite all the criticism appeared in recent months, it seems that the iPhone 5c to Apple’s more interesting than anything that appeared on the market before it, or after it until December, and this says a lot about how good strategy proved to Apple, despite all the criticism.