iOS 6 hack for install Google Maps application

The hacker, Ryan Petrich, announced last weekend on Twitter that they managed to install Google Maps on the new operating system released by Apple, iOS 6, which sparked a wave of complaints about bugs in the new Maps application that replaces the Google solution writes Huffington Post.
Petrich posted on YouTube a video that shows how managed to port Google Maps to the new operating system iOS 6. He was able to install the application on an iPhone 3GS and said that working with small problems, but working on a solution to improve support for Google maps.
According to The Next Web site, the hacker said that it takes a “jailbreak” (a modification of the original system files from iOS that allows users iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch to install third-party applications or “pirated”) to install Google Maps in iOS 6.
If Cupertino giant will fail to solve the problem quickly with Apple Maps, users will be encouraged to seek solutions to hackers and install a “jailbreak” the devices with iOS 6 or not to update, those previous generations phones, tablets and Apple iPods.
Since Apple released iOS 6, last week, users from around the world have complained of superficiality and Apple Maps application errors: confusing names of important cities, towns missing parts, displaying airports in the wrong places and the lack of guidelines for transport together.
According to sources close to Apple, employs experts who worked on the Google Maps to improve their application.
A jailbeak for iOS 6 was released a few days ago, but works only on iPhone 5 previous devices such as iPhone 4 and iPod Touch. Another hacker claims to have been able to modify and software of the iPhone 5, but do not know if it really works.