iOS 5.0.1 finally released, not fixing iPhone 4S battery issues

The so long waited iOS 5.0.1 was finally released and it’s now available via OTA update. One of the main issues that this update has tried to solve was the iPhone 4S battery issues, but unfortunately it appears that this wasn’t meant to be since no improvements were made regarding the 4S battery.

Now, the thing is there were also some lucky owners who reported that the new iOS version features among several minor tweaks and fixes, the battery life fix for iPhone 4S. The question is why after this iOS 5.0.1 update some iOS devices has revealed an improved battery life, while on others nothing changed? In some cases the iPhone 4S battery was reduced due to multiple reasons from which we can mention its dual core processor, and it was also revealed that iPhone uses an additional IR sensor that is permanently on when the screen is lit, and to fix that small issue you should turn off “raise to speak” Siri setting.

The iOS 5.0.1 update was Apple’s first public over-the-air update, and could be downloaded directly on your iPhone over Wi-Fi instead of requiring a full iOS download and update via iTunes.

Let us know how this iOS 5.0.1 works for you, and if you noticed any improvements on the battery life.
