How to return an Android app purchased from Market

Surely by now you feel the need to test an application from Android Market up to buy it, but did not know what is the procedure for returning the application if it do not satisfy.
Google policy allows any Android user to buy an application, to download it and return it in maximum 15 minutes from the moment the download was started to receive all the money back. This procedure can be applied only once for an application. If you try to do it a second time for the same application you will not receive money back.
Now is the time to show you how to return an app to Android Market:
- Open the Android Market app on your device
- From Android Market app select Menu -> My Apps
- Select the application you’d like to return (Note: if the 15 minute refund window has not yet passed, the app is eligible for return and will have two buttons saying “Open” or “Refund”).
- Select the Refund option to uninstall the application from your device. (Note: after 15 minutes return period has expired, the Refund option will not be available)
These steps can be followed regardless of the application fee that you installed.