How to use in fullscreen Google Maps on iPad
As you know, the Google Maps is the most popular application for smartphones, Google has not released a compatible version of Google Maps application in App Store for iPad tablets, but this can`t stop it to change the existing application to run on tablets.
To make Google Maps to work on iPad tablet you must follow the below steps.
- Open the iFile application and navigate to var/mobile/applications where you search Google Maps folder.
- Inside the folder of Google Maps search the file info.plist that you will open iFile text editor.
- Search into this file the entry UIDeviceFamily and change the value of this from 1 to 2.2. This change enables application to run on tablets including iPad. After this change you must save this file.
- Last step reboot your tablets.
Note: It works only on tablets that have made jailbreak. You can`t use this method on a tablet to whose internal system files do not have access, so do not unnecessarily complicated.